

Are we surrounded by genuine persons or fake persons?

1) A genuine person will always ask the opinion of others and will consider all sides of an argument before making a decision that will affect other people.

A fake person will find ways to put himself first and benefit from decisions he makes.
2) A genuine person will set expectations and will work with you to find ways to meet those expectations.
A fake person is always trying to gain an advantage over you, make you feel inferior to his position, and make sure you know how smart he is.

3) A genuine person is happy to take a backseat to those who deserve the praise instead of him. You will see this in many great leaders who give credit to their teams instead of taking it all for themselves.
A fake person, however, will impress upon others how much work he did and leave the teams to the wayside.

4) A genuine person will not want to be praised, but instead will want to celebrate the victories of everyone. He acts in a way that makes you feel like he cares about you and others.
A fake person will want lots of attention and will not hesitate to show off his victories.

5) A genuine person will bring up issues without malice and will work with you to improve on shortcomings.
A fake person will give avoid telling you what is wrong and talk about you behind your back, rather than have to face the issues head on.

6) A genuine person is consistent. He does, he says, he acts what he promises.
A fake person will wow you with his great ideas and words, but will rarely deliver on those words.

7) A genuine person knows that the best way to get ahead is to work in service of others.  
A fake person will put his needs first, making sure he is taken care of above all else.

What kind of person do you prefer?

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